Mentoring Assembly (2nd December 2020)

Mentoring assembly has become a tradition at FAMAKS British Schools. This session is anchored by the respective form tutors.

The idea and practice of mentoring has become a dear ritual for us here at FAMAKS. This owes to the truth that education transcends class activities only. The responsibility is on us to raise not just academically thriving students, but also students in whom has been instilled the indispensable qualities of dignity, integrity, honour, honesty, etc. Just as we build academic brilliance in them, we also build character.

Specifically, the mentoring assembly focuses on a variety of topics that are geared to help them become better versions of themselves. Topics on excellence, resilience, peer pressure, mental and academic growth, are just a few of the lot that we discuss with our students, especially to make sure they are well-rounded individuals and are armed with the resources to excel in the outside world.

Today, we explored the issue of mental health and how it is a crucial issue that affects most people and stops them from being at their best. The attentiveness of the students was not surprising as this was an issue that many, if not all of them, could relate to.

As educators in one of the best schools in Abuja, we know that students learn best when they can relate to the situation or concept being taught. Watch out for our next edition of the mentoring assembly as we’ll go deeper into the issues that would be discussed.

Yours truly, the FAMAKS British Schools.