From The Director of Schools

Our final week before the half-term has been dominated by assessments. This is a very important aspect of any school as we gather the data to verify the learning that has taken place over the first half of term.

Today (22/10/21) was our first Parent-Teacher Consultations of the academic year and I was very happy to see the turnout of parents and guardians for these very important meetings. Communication between school and parents has been hampered during these last two years and I hope to introduce a refinement to our procedures for our next set of PTCs in February. I will be happy to share with you closer to the time, how these refinements will impact this event, as we work together to improve our communication with you.

In line with our new school’s vision and mission statements, I want to reassure all parents that we would remain committed to discovering and nurturing your children’s innate talents as we believe that “everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” (Albert Einstein).

Next week Wednesday 27th-29th October is midterm break and we wish all our children get the desired break as they have worked extremely hard in the first half term. Midterm homework will be packed, please make out time to consolidate some concepts. School resumes Monday 1st November, 2021 and we look forward to having everyone back in school.